Carson City
Current Planning & Zoning
Current planning refers to the day-to-day operations of the division. It involves the following:
- Responding to the public’s questions regarding City zoning
- Approval of discretionary permits
- Resolving zoning complaints and enforcement of codes
- Administration of the zoning, subdivision land development process, signs and billboards, landscaping, growth management and other ordinances
- Easements and roadway abandonments
- Census and statistical information
- Parcel map and lot line adjustment administration
- Review of building plans for residential, commercial/industrial/institutional and multi-family projects.
The current planning section provides planning and zoning staff for the City’s One Stop Shop/Permit Center and the Planning Commission.
- Application Forms
- Carson City Municipal Code
- Interactive Map - Zoning, Assessor's data
- Major Project Review
- Downtown Development
- Planning Commission
- Historic Resources Commission
- Growth Management
- Useful Links
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Landscape Plan Detail Sheets
- Residential Setback Guidelines
- Non-Residential Setback Guidelines
- Administrative Permits
Planning Division
(775) 887-2180